Monday, August 6, 2007

Strawberry Fields Forever

I cannot believe that I have only a couple more weeks left in England! I'm extremely homesick yet at the same time I do not want to leave! I find myself missing the obvious things such as family, friends, and Coco (haha) and unexpected things such as free water in restaurants, sandy beaches, paper towels in public toilets, and using my car to take me wherever my heart pleases. Thank you to those who left positive comments on my previous entry. I must stress that I am enjoying my time here in England. I was feeling emotional when I wrote the entry and I do know that I am lucky to call California home and my run ins with racism has not prevented me from having fun!

Last Friday, a group of us went in search of a sandy beach. Ram informed me that there is such a thing in our area of England, but I was not convinced especially when he informed me the morning of our beach picnic via the telephone that he did not know where this beach was exactly located. Long story short, we asked several locals where this so-called sandy beach was and were given looks of surprise. Apparently there is no such thing in Brighton so we opted to take a bus ride into the Brighton Marina and have our picnic on one of their pebble beaches.

The water was so clear!

Nhu and Jesse enjoying the sunshine and the hard pebbles beneath their stomachs.

With Tammy and Gaby. What is Tammy staring at?

A couple of people decided to bury Nhu with some pebbles while she tried to nap. Poor thing had difficulty getting up a few minutes later.

Saturday morning we headed off to Liverpool, but first we made a quick detour to Warwick castle, where we were greeted by these beautiful individuals.

My view while climbing Guy's Tower. I felt slightly claustrophobic in the tower.

The lovely view from the top of Guy's Tower.

After spending the morning in Warwick Castle, we headed off to Liverpool, home of the Beatles and of the wonderful Liverpool football club!

The gate to the stadium. Our tour guide played their theme song, which sounded like a pop song from the 1960s!

Then our tour guide took us around Liverpool and to Penny Lane! I enjoyed this part of the tour very much because our tour guide, whose name escapes me, played several Beatles songs.

After our tour around Liverpool, we went to our hostel to freshen up before our night out. The hostel was decorated with several Beatles memorabilia such as this painting. I wish there was a canvas painting of this exact image!

Later that night, our wonderful tour leader from Brazil, Leo, took us out for a night of pubbing and clubbing! He took us to the Cavern pub which was one of the first venues that the Beatles played! Unfortunately I do not have a picture of my night out, but my word for it that Liverpool has one of the most exciting nightlife's in England! There were about 10 different bachelorette/bachelor parties going on that night and almost every single group had a costume theme, it was wonderful! The citizens of Liverpool were so friendly, it is definitely one of my favorite cities in England.
The following day we went to The Beatles Story. It was one of the best museums I've ever been to. There were heaps of Beatles memorabilia and the soundtrack was awesome of course! Sadly, we were not allowed to take pictures inside the museum due to copyright issues, but that didn't stop a bunch of people of taking pictures. I'm thinking that they didn't understand the employee at the museum because they were non-English speakers, or maybe that's the excuse they used!

Ram and Jesse sporting their new Beatles-inspired sunglasses. What silly boys.

After Liverpool, we drove to Manchester. Gaby and I were only able to see a mall while others were only able to see the football stadium so sadly we didn't see much of Manchcester at all. I did enjoy myself in Liverpool though. They sure are proud of their football team and their little band, which they have every right to be!

I only have one more weekend until I leave England. My last weekend will be spent on a cruising down the Thames River in London, Oxford, Windsor (the Queen's weekend residence), Eton, punting in Cambridge, and Greenwich. Whew, I'm exhausted just thinking about it! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!


Stephanie said...

That sounds like an awesome weekend! I like that you guys buried your friend in the pebbles. That doesn't seem as relaxing as a sandy beach. Although a sandy beach can be annoying since you always find sand in odd your car! Coco says hi! Looking forward to seeing you next weekend.

stefrose said...

i love the pics of you guys buried in rocks.
it seems like you're having a smashing time.
btw, does "fanny" mean vagina? i heard that's what it is in australia.
anyway, come back and visit! i'm moving into a new place [New Friend will be there too!]
i meesss you!!